Pop-It-Like-It’s-Hot Slip Float Kit


This popping bobber creates a *pop* sound at the surface of the water when you twitch your rod tip. This sound stimulates a predator fish’s competitive feeding response by mimicking a feeding frenzy- with the illusion of an opportunity for an easy meal. 

The popping slip float rig is ideal to fish deep water and allows for far and easy casting. It is also perfect for targeting big fish in deep, fast-moving channels. Our slip float allows you to set the depth of your bait at any time, without retying your rig. Fixed bobbers that you clip on are nearly impossible to fish deep waters. The slip bobber solves many problems fishermen have with a fixed bobber.

14 in stock

SKU: ACC-013 Categories: ,


Perfect for rigging live shrimp, cut baits, mud minnows and all the fishes favorite foods! 

All-in-one complete set that Includes everything you need to rig up and start catching fish! 

2 Pop-It-Like-Its-Hot Slip Floats

Mini Sure-Catch Rig 

1 pack of 1oz Eggy Sinker (2 included) 

6 Rubber stopper 

9 Beads
