Cloud Sinker


Create an underwater cloud of sand and debris to attract all sorts of fish to your bait, simply attach the Cloud sinker, drop your line down and give your rod a shake! This sinker has a specially shaped fin that uses water pressure to dig up the sand around it as you move it. 

This sinker brings out an aggressive strike from the fish you are targeting. The  fishing method stimulates the fish’s territorial response by attracting the predator fish’s attention with the illusion of a small fish feeding on the eggs of a bigger fish.  

This sinker is designed to imitate an easy meal for a big fish as an unsuspecting small fish digging around looking for food. 

The shape of the sinker allows it to sink straight to the bottom and face a certain direction against the ocean currents, keeping it anchored and preventing it from rolling around.

SKU: SINK-003 Categories: ,


Limited Edition exclusively made in Japan. I brought back this sinker and technique from our most recent fishing trip to Japan. Give it a try in your waters, it is going to work wonders.  

The tactic- 

  1. Cast / drop your line
  2. Jig / shake the rod tip 7 times- causing an underwater commotion 
  3. Slowly raise the rod tip presenting the bait in the middle of the smoke screen of sand/debris.
  4. Fish go WILD for this!  

2 variations: 

2oz and 4 oz